Tenant Screening 101 – Tips You Need To Know


Are you planning on renting out your Central Valley home for the first time? If so, tenant screening is one of the most important things that you’ll be doing because it’s going to help you find the most qualified tenant to live in your rental property.

If you’ve never rented out your home before, this article will provide you with several important tenant screening tips that you can use to find the right renters to live in your home.

Tip #1 – Watch for Tenant Red Flags

When it comes to tenant screening, first impressions can always be deceiving because, it’s easy for any renter to look and sound like they would be the most qualified renter possible but, once would you do some digging, you may find that that indivisual has red flags including in their past including:

  • They are a frequent mover
  • They change jobs periodically
  • They have declared bankruptcy recently
  • They have a low credit score

Obviously, every tenant has a story behind their rental background so before rushing to judgment and disqualifying a tenant based on their red flags, it’s important to learn more about the story behind their background before you decide to approve or decline their rental application

central valley rental property

Tip #2 – Would Their Previous Landlord Rent to Them Again?

During the process of screening a tenant, you should also contact that tenant’s previous landlord and asked them the all-important question, would they consider renting to that renter again?

If the answer is no, your next question should be to wonder why they wouldn’t rent to that tenant again? Is it because they left the rental property in terrible shape when they moved out? Were they a complainer who always took up a lot of the landlord’s time?

These are important questions that you should ask and take into consideration before you choose to rent to potentially troublesome tenants.

Tip #3 – Conduct the Move-In Inspection with The Tenant

Last of all, but most important, once you choose the right tenant to live in your rental property, another important thing that you should do is conduct the move-in inspection with that tenant.

Conducting the move-in inspection with the tenant is important because, it shows them that you’re aware of the condition of the property when they’re moving in, and it also helps attend to know the condition that the property should be in when they move out.

Contact RPM Central Valley

At RPM Central Valley, we specialize in property management for the entire Central Valley region including Stockton, Modesto, Madera, and surrounding areas.

To learn more about the property management services that we can offer you, contact us today by calling 209-572-2222 or click here to connect with us online.