Posts Tagged ‘property manager’
Should You Own an Airbnb Or Long-Term Rental In 2019?
2018 was a tough year for Airbnb as the short-term rental giant encountered serious brush back from many cities around the world. It’s not hard to see why there has been resistance to Airbnb recently especially when you look at it as a supply vs. demand issue. If more owners are using their properties as…
Read MoreWhat Is the Average Rent in Stockton CA?
Are you planning on moving to Stockton CA and are wondering what the average rent is for the area? As of December 2019, the average rent in Stockton is $1,084 per month. Rent Breakdown At RPM Central Valley we know that not everyone likes to rent a studio apartment each month so here’s a rent…
Read MoreWhat Are Bed Bugs? How to Know If Your Rental Property Has Them
Are you getting your Central Valley Rental Property ready for rent and noticed that it has strange bugs that just might be bed bugs? Sadly, bed bugs are making a comeback in the United States thanks to changing weather patterns. In this article, we will debunk several myths about bed bugs just so you will…
Read MoreShould landlords form an LLC for rental property?
Tax time is almost here and as a real estate investor you may be thinking about starting an Limited Liability Corporation (LLC). In today’s article we will provide you with a complete breakdown if starting an LLC is a smart move for you to start an LLC and what you can expect from this process.…
Read MoreGardening Tips – How To Create A Cool Garden In A Small Space
Do you live in an apartment or small home in the Central Valley and don’t think that you will ever be able to have an excellent garden in a small space? If so, you’ve come to the right place! It’s easier than ever before for anyone to have a beautiful garden, even if they only…
Read MoreTips For Easier Lease Renewals
January and Fеbruаrу аrе right around the corner and they are trаdіtіоnаllу the tіmеѕ оf the year whеn mоѕt tеnаntѕ wіll rеnеw thе lеаѕеѕ fоr their Cеntrаl Valley Rеntаl Prореrtіеѕ. Sаdlу, thеѕе months аrе оftеn very busy for mоѕt рrореrtу оwnеrѕ because thеу аrе ѕреnt chasing dоwn thе tenants juѕt tо fіnd оut іf they…
Read MoreCentral Valley Property Management Tips – How To Eliminate Late Payments
Ask any investor who owns Central Valley rental properties and they will tell you that late payments are a major problem for them because if one tenant is late, there’s a good chance that missing that one payment will hurt the owners cash flow. Thankfully, every owner can eliminate late payments and effectively make them…
Read MoreBest Neutral Wall Colors for Your Rental Property
Are you searching for wall color ideas for your Central Valley rental property? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Instead of painting the walls in your rental property white or Navajo white, the solution is to choose neutral colors. In this video you will learn more about the best neutral colors to choose…
Read MoreWhy Choose A Central Valley Property Management Company?
Do you own a rental property and have been thinking about hiring a Central Valley Property Management Company to professionally manage that property for you? If so, you’ve come to the right place! As a professional property management company, we know that it can sometimes be a test of faith to hire an outside property…
Read MoreProperty Management Problems and How to Fix Them
It doesn’t matter if you’re just getting started with owning rental properties, or you’ve owned them for years, you will encounter problems during the years that you own rental properties. Thankfully, overcoming problems with owning rental properties is easy especially if you know which problems will arise and what you should be specifically looking for.…
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