Essential maintenance upgrades to make to a rental property before the start of summer

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We’ve only just started spring 2024 but summer is around the corner and it’s also the right time to be thinking about rental property maintenance because it’s better to take care of maintenance issues in advance before they occur.

Thankfully, rental property maintenance doesn’t have to be a hassle especially if you what specific areas of your rental property to target.

In this article we will break down the rental property maintenance tasks that you should be focusing on next at your rental property.

Rental Property Maintenance You Should Be Focusing On 

  1. HVAC System Inspection: With temperatures rising, it’s crucial to have the HVAC system inspected and serviced. Clean or replace filters, check for any leaks, and ensure that the system is functioning efficiently. This will not only keep your tenants comfortable but also prevent costly breakdowns during the peak of summer.
  2. Check for Plumbing Issues: Inspect all faucets, pipes, and toilets for leaks or drips. Addressing any plumbing issues early can prevent water damage and mold growth, ensuring that your rental property remains safe and habitable.
  3. Roof and Gutter Maintenance: Inspect the roof for any signs of damage or wear, such as missing shingles or cracks. Clean out gutters and downspouts to prevent clogging and water damage to the property’s foundation.
  4. Exterior Maintenance: Take the time to inspect the exterior of the property for any damage, such as cracks in the siding or foundation. Repairing these issues now can prevent further damage and maintain the property’s curb appeal.
  5. Landscaping: Trim trees and bushes, mow the lawn, and remove any weeds or debris from the property. Proper landscaping not only enhances the property’s appearance but also prevents pests and provides a safe outdoor environment for tenants to enjoy.
  6. Inspect and Clean Outdoor Areas: Check decks, patios, and fences for any damage or safety hazards. Clean outdoor furniture and grills to ensure they are ready for use during the summer months.
  7. Safety Checks: Test smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers to ensure they are in working order. Additionally, inspect door and window locks to ensure that they provide adequate security for your tenants.

By completing these essential maintenance tasks before the start of summer, property owners and managers can ensure that their rental properties are well-prepared for the warmer months ahead. Not only does this help to maintain the property’s value, but it also ensures a comfortable and safe living environment for tenants, ultimately leading to happier and more satisfied renters.

Contact RPM Central Valley

At RPM Central Valley, we specialize in rental property management for Central Valley California. To learn more about the services we can offer you, contact us today by calling (209) 572-2222 or click here to connect with us online.