Why Chose A Central Valley Property Manager?

Stockton, CA – Over time as you acquire more rental properties it’s going to be vital for you to hire a Central Valley Property Manager sooner rather than later to help you efficiently manage your rental properties especially for the following reasons. #1 – On Time Rent Collection When you hire a Central Valley Property…

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What to look for in a Central Valley Property Management Company.

You just invested in another rental property and with the added responsibilities that come with managing a rental you’re starting to wonder if now is the right time for you to consider hiring a Central Valley Property Management Company and the answer is yes. Here’s what you should look for when hiring a Central Valley…

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Should You Build Storage Units On Your Rental Property?

One important questions that you may have if you own Rental Property is how you can make more money from your rental property and one of the easiest ways that any landlord can make more money from their rental is by adding additional storage on the property. Storage is an often overlooked moneymaking opportunity by…

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How to Find and Keep Tenants Part 2 – How to Rent to the Right Tenants

STOCKTON, CA. – There’s no denying that the 2015-2016 rental market in the Central Valley has been competitive and that’s because of the fact that we have more people who are searching for rental properties than ever before including: Baby Boomers, Millennials, Generation X and Generation Y. With so many people searching for rental properties…

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How to Find and Keep Tenants Part 1: How Much To Charge for Rent

STOCKTON, CA. – One of the top questions that every landlord has especially after they’ve purchased a new rental property in the Central Valley is how much should I charge for rent? Although the answer to this question is different depending on who you ask, the truth is that coming up with the correct rent…

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