Earthquake Preparedness Tips For 2019

Image credit - SFGate

Earthquakes can happen at any time, especially in California where many people feel that the state is one earthquake away from the next “big one”. If you’re not prepared for an earthquake, this article will provide you with earthquake preparedness tips that you can use to get your home ready just in case an earthquake…

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How to turn your home into a rental property

Rental Homes

Did you just recently try to sell your Central Valley home and it didn’t sell? If so, instead of trying to list your home on the MLS again why not turn it into a rental property? Here’s how: Make sure it’s worth itThe cost of renovations has to be able to pay itself back within…

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Tips For Marketing Vacant Properties

When rеаdіng the tіtlе оf this blоg, thеrе іѕ оnе word thаt іѕ kеу: vасаnt. Many tіmеѕ, rental рrореrtу оwnеrѕ skirt аrоund thіѕ crucial ѕtер оf thе рrосеѕѕ. Thеу will аttеmрt tо аdvеrtіѕе аn оссuріеd hоmе tо prospective tеnаntѕ. Thе оbvіоuѕ іѕѕuе with thіѕ іѕ thаt thе rеntаl hоmе іѕn’t еmрtу уеt. It іѕ still…

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Are Your Residents Inadvertently Damaging Your Appliances?

Renting single family homes can be a profitable business. But as investment property owners know, doing so comes with a certain amount of wear and tear on the home, both inside and out. When it comes to appliances, simply using them as intended will, over time, cause them to wear out. But sometimes, residents may…

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Why Proof Of Income Is Critical For Landlords

Central Valley Property Manager

If you’ve owned investment properties for a while, or are planning on investing in rentals for the first time. Proof of income is vital for every landlord to have before renting to a new tenant because it’s what helps owners to know if a tenant is qualified to live in their rental property or not.…

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