What is the real cost of eviction for landlords?

Eviction Notice

Eviction is on the minds of many people right now due to Covid-19 and the eviction ban in California. Sadly, even though many people think that most landlords have deep pockets and can easily afford to evict their tenants, the reality is that every eviction comes with a cost. The Cost Breakdown of an Eviction…

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5 tips for collecting security deposits

rental property ROI

The security deposit is typically the first thing that most landlords collect, along with first months rent, before renting to a new tenant. Sadly, many landlords are not up to speed with landlord-tenant laws and they make mistakes along the way that can create problems between them and their tenants. In this article we will…

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What are squatters rights in California?

squatters rights

Does your rental property have squatters? If so, even though this may be an annoying and inconvenient situation, the realty is that those squatters are actually entitled squatters rights. In this article we will break down squatters rights and provide you with information on how to deal with them by following the law. What Are…

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Garden Acres CA Property Management – Learn More About RPM Central Valley


Are you searching for Garden Acres CA Property Management? If so, welcome to RPM Central Valley! We specialize in full-service property management including rent collection, maintenance, customer service, accounting, and more! We can help you get the most ROI for your houses for rent garden acres, multifamily properties, duplexes, condos, or townhomes. Our company will…

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Tips For Getting A Rental Property Ready For Rent During Covid-19

Simple Tips for Keeping Your Stockton Rental Property Safe

Covid-19 has changed the rental property landscape dramatically since March 2020 because the once stable, rental market has been hit hard by Coronavirus and the same rules that landlords followed last before March are no longer relevant. In this article we will offer you several tips that landlords can use to get their rental properties…

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How COVID-19 Has Changed The Property Management Industry

Property Management Tips - Real Solutions For Dealing With Angry Tenants

Covid0-19 has changed the world since word of the spreading virus started to reach the United States by February 2020 and by then it was already too late because Covid-19 was already in the United States and starting to spread. The big question is how has Covid-19 changed the property management industry? In this article…

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